Monday, 19 November 2012

Abraham Lincoln: his story

Author: Scoville, Samuel, b. 1872
Subject: Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865
Publisher: Philadelphia, American Sunday-School Union [c1918]
Possible copyright status: NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT
Language: English
In every century are born men whose lives
bring messages of help and hope to those who
come after. Such an one was Abraham Lincoln.
The year of his birth, 1809, was a lionyear.
Charles Darwin was born the same day;
Mendelssohn, Edgar Allen Poe, Oliver Wendell
Holmes, Alfred Tennyson, and William Ewart
Gladstone in the same year. Few boys of today
start life so hemdicapped by hardships or with
fewer opportunities. Lincoln knew little about
his ancestors. In later hfe he said that he was
more concerned to know what his grandfather's
grandson would be than who his grandfather
had been.
One of his grandfathers was named Abraham
Lincoln, and went as a pioneer to Kentucky

then the *'Dark and Bloody Ground" claimed
and guarded by fierce Indian tribes. There,
near where the city of Louisville now stands,
he cleared a field in the forest, not far from a
stockade erected by other settlers, and built
a cabin. A schoolmaster of that time remem-....Read more


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