Author:Adams, Samuel Hopkins, 1871-1958 Publisher:Boston and New York : Houghton Mifflin Company Possible copyright status:NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT Language:English
FROM A BENCH IN OUR SQUARE A PATRONESS OF ART PETER (flourish-in-red) Quick (flourish-ingreen) Banta (period-in-blue) is the style whereby he is known to Our Square. Summertimes he is a prop and ornament of Coney, that isle of the blest, whose sands he models into gracious forms and noble senti ments, in anticipation of the casual dime or the munificent quarter, wherewith, if you have low, Philistine tastes or a kind heart, you have perhaps aforetime rewarded him. In the off season the thwarted passion of color possesses him; and upon the flagstones before Thornsen s Elite Restaurant, which constitutes his canvas, he will limn you a full-rigged ship in two colors, a portrait of the heavyweight cham pion in three, or, if financially encouraged, the Statue of Liberty in four. These be, however, concessions to popular taste. His own pre-......Read more